samedi 20 mars 2010

Livraison Bureaux - Snacks

En plus d'un déjeuner complet, toujours un ou deux snack/ en cas pour le gouter..
Une délicatesse sucrée ou salé pour 16h.

Ici le "Gingerbread" Cookie
 Et là "Night Vision" Pockets

lundi 15 mars 2010

Article RawVeganNetwork

Christine Courau
Paris ,France

Christine is currently available for speeches and  catering  along with phone consultations. You can contact her by calling her cell at  +33 6 78 22 33 96 . She has been a Tai Chi and Qi Gong practitioner for the past 6 years and is also offering Tai Chi and Qi Gong classes once  a week

Are you interested in raw food “lunch box” program delivered at your office?  Contact Christine for details.
Christine's strengths are open mindedness and curiosity,  good communication skills and customer relationship along with her knowledge of the hospitality and restaurant industry (23 years of work and networking in France, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, USA, Africa, Middle East). She is doing her best to get people curious about this lifestyle, learn about it, know about it, give it a try, especially here in Paris. Christine talks to restaurant and hospitality business owners about the possibilities raw food can provide for themselves and their customers.

Christine got interested in the raw food lifestyle through her dear Tai Chi and Qi Gong Master,  Master Zi @ Infocuswellnesscenter  in Los Angeles.  Master Zi advised her to change her life style and diet (April 2009). Better Life, the place he created in Santa Monica hosts a raw vegan  restaurant/café .  Christine tasted her first raw vegan meal at Juliano in Santa Monica and then became a fan of raw vegan cuisine.
Christine feels the most important health aspect of eating living or raw foods is enzyme preservation.  Enzymes help to digest food, and act as catalysts for every metabolic reaction in our bodies. Without them, there can be no cell division, energy production, or brain activity. In addition, no vitamins or hormones can do their work, nor can our immune system. Only raw food has functional “live” enzymes. Every food naturally contains the perfect mix of enzymes to digest it completely. Cooking food above 118 F destroys their natural enzymes, forcing the body to generate the enzymes necessary to digest them. Our body cannot produce enzymes in perfect combination to metabolize our food as completely as the food enzymes created by nature do. Simply put, eating raw foods supply everything we need, keeping foods enzymes intact, promoting the best digestion possible.

Christine is certified with Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education as a Raw Food Chef, Raw Personal Fitness Trainer, Raw Lifestyle Coach and Raw Nutrition Specialist

lundi 1 mars 2010

1st steps

KOORAW c'est l'experience de la cuisine 'a cru' - brut - soul - 100% vegetale. Les cuissons ne depassent jamais 50 degres a coeur du produit. L'utilisation d'ingredients les plus purs possibles les moins transformes pour en preserver tous leurs precieux nutriments.Christine Courau.